Today I want to encourage you to press into JESUS, His Word, His love, His call !The greatest gift of love to God is being wholly sold out to His perfect will , not as a dutiful task , rather as a token of your love for Him . Jesus is so totally worthy of your utmost love and attention. Matthew6: 19-24 says many confronting statements , all out of Jesus own mouth , i.e v.21 'FOR WHERE TOUR TREASURE IS , THERE YOUR HEART WILL ALSO BE.'' & V.24 ''NO-ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS, EITHER YOU WILL HATE THE ONE & LOVE THE OTHER , OR YOU WILL BE DEVOTED TO THE ONE & DESPISE THE OTHER. YOU CANNOT SERVE BOTH GOD & MONEY." We all fall the way we lean , we all cannot (not) tell that which we hold dear , it seaps out of our very core being , our D.N.A is spread for all to hear , feel , think, visualise. Even, silence can be totally deafening ! Where your mind goes is where you will follow. What you transparently believe , really does influence your choices , and even when you think you are "playing" with other peoples' minds , you are actually making more of a statement about yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!
As for me I actually believe in the power, presence, and vision from God's Holy Spirit ( no not my own thoughts ) His mind , His will , His purpose , His commandments , which by the way are not the 'GREAT OPTIONS' ,they are the TEN COMMANDMENTS, and Jesus himself made a few more non-negotiables if you actually choose to be His Disciple, in the New Testament. Please
just be open to Jesus , and this will become the parachute that will save your & many other lives.
By the way if you would like to hear accounts of modern day miracles just let me know , I have quite a list to share with whoever.
May you know grace, peace and Holy Ghost presence in your life today ! If you need comfort I pray that you receive it, if you need disturbance from the Spirit of God I can only pray that you receive this in His love today!
You are safe when you press into Jesus , I have a healthy respect to not step away from that posture!
Read MATTHEW 8:18-22
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