Monday, January 28, 2013


If ever there was a time for the people of God to hear from God's heart ... IT IS NOW !
I believe in this season of history God is going to bring ' FRESH REVELATION' to those who are hungry for God , His Word , His Holy Spirit and so much more .
Spiritual truths we thought we knew and understood will be given to us with FRESH VISION ... FRESH EYES ...FRESH REVELATION , if we really want to receive .

I am asking my readers to pray expecting JESUS Himself to reveal amazing truths from His Word ... new aspects of God's heart that have been there all along . And once having received fresh illumination then God will require you to act upon that which He is revealing .

In this process be willing to let GO of some things & to EMBRACE & step into other areas. It will be vital to go exactly where The Holy Spirit is leading and to proclaim that which God Himself is revealing to you .
To speak - pray - witness to whomever , wherever , & however God ordains that you do .
This revelation will not be given to those who see obedience as an option  to be perhaps played with ,rather to those who are relentless with that which is born of God & His Holy Spirit .
I believe we are NOW in a season where God is renewing our FIRST LOVE FOR HIMSELF .  ( Rev .  2 :2-7) .
Ministry and Discipleship must be accomplished from the place of our FIRST LOVE FOR JESUS , and it is in this place we will by God's scandalous grace receive 'Fresh Revelation ' in order to build The Kingdom of God in our midst .

Praying for all readers today ...... Please consider this Scripture : Revelation 1:10 " I  WAS IN THE SPIRIT ON THE LORD'S DAY , &  I HEARD .... ..."
What exactly are you hearing from The Holy Spirit ?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Ephesians 5:16-17 tells us 'Make the best use of time because the days are evil . Therefore do not be foolish , but understand what the will of the Lord is .'
It is time at the start of a NEW YEAR to STOP settling for ' same old ... same old'. In His grace Jesus has given us each another day , month , year ( please Lord) to honour Him , His Kingdom , His priorities . Let us all STOP any behaviours , thought patterns , activities  that would hinder God's perfect will in our lives in 2013 .
Give Jesus permission to put the searchlight of His Holy Spirit into your life and shed light on ANYTHING that will be unhelpful to you and His glory , 'Search me oh God ... know my heart ... see if there be any wicked way in me ....'.
What lies on the other side of our choices in favour of God's Kingdom is the sweet taste of LOVE .. JOY .. PEACE .. POWER ... OBEDIENCE ... FAVOUR & so much more .
Come on dear friends may WE stop making excuses and authentically  live for our Saviour & King ... LORD JESUS ,every day ... every way . I am praying for you as you step out in faith to honour and serve JESUS in 2013 ... please pray for me and let us celebrate the many victories that will be won in His name .
Be excited , be expectant , be scintillating with spiritual fervour .. because JESUS will do amazing things in and through you in the coming days .
TITUS 2:14  ''He gave Himself to RESCUE us from everything that is evil & to make our hearts pure. He wanted us to be His own people & to be eager to do right ."
Praying for all friends in 2013