Monday, June 16, 2008


I t constantly amazes me that there are so many people who don't understand the very real fact that Christians are in a Spiritual Battle, and that the enemy of our souls is constantly advancing his cause of death, destruction , and diversion from what the Lord Jesus has won through the Cross & His Resurrection life. Ephesians 6:10-18 is quite clear about what is required of those who are in this Spiritual battle and similarly what we are dealing with , in the realm of the forces of darkness.
Soldiers of Jesus Christ please understand we are called to live above the realm of maintenance in our walk with JESUS .We are actually called to ADVANCE the CAUSE of CHRIST! So today I will begin a series of PRAYERS using the armour that has been given to us from God's Holy Spirit: 1. THE BELT OF TRUTH : In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I claim the protection of the BELT OF TRUTH, having buckled it securely around my waist. I pray the protection of the belt of truth over my personal life, my home & family & the ministry God has appointed for my life. I use the belt of TRUTH directly against satan & his kingdom of darkness. I aggressively embrace JESUS who is TRUTH, the Lord JESUS CHRIST is my strength & protection from all of satan's deceptions.I desire that the truth of God's Word shall constantly gain a deeper place in my life. I pray that the truth of the WORD of God may be my heart's delight to study & memorize. Forgive me for my sins of not speaking the truth , as you would speak it! Show me any way in which I am being deceived. By the Holy Spirit of truth, open the SCRIPTURES to my understanding & guide me into the practical understanding of His Word's of truth. I ask the Holy Spirit to warn me before I listen to , believe, or speak words that are not GOD'S TRUTH. Deliver me from believing satan's lies & half truths ( the same strategy he used with Jesus in the wilderness & in the garden of eden). Thank -you for providing this part of the armour of God, I take it gratefully & desire to have an ever deepening understanding of its protection through your power. Help me to be planted in your Church which preaches your BIBLICAL TRUTH and may I always be a vessel that conveys your truth in grace."For those of us who are soldiers in The Salvation Army we do believe as stated in our first Doctrine ( which are immutable ) THAT THE SCRIPTURES OF THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT WERE GIVEN TO US BY THE INSPIRATION OF GOD AND THAT THEY ONLY CONSTITUTE THE DIVINE RULE OF CHRISTIAN FAITH & PRACTICE.
Blessings to you today!


Anonymous said...

Do you think it is appropriate to pray that God and Satan resolve their differences in a mature and just fashion, and then proceed to assist us humans to clean up the world?

Now Jesus died for all and that would include Satan, would it not? Satan, of all persons would be fully aware of his fate - in the end he loses and God wins. It seems rather strange that Satan doesn't cut his losses now. Satan is smarter than us humans, isn't he, and so would understand much more clearly that he can't possibly beat God at His own game.

So let's cut through all this good vs evil spiritual battle business and work on solving the problem at its source. Pray that Satan will exercise his free will to come to his senses sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

Please David understand that satan is the loser, has lost and he isn't going to repent , we all know the end of the story as written in the Bible. Spiritual warfare is a topic many people ask me about and I am merely attempting to in some way give Christians tools that can be used in the Battles that seem to rage. JESUS IS LORD and we are on the winning side with HIM.

Anonymous said...

Satan is not a human being. He's a fallen angel who was once a holy angel. Angels are not men and men are not angels. Jesus died for the sins of MEN not for the sins of the angels. The salvation found in Jesus Christ does NOT apply to angels but only to humankind.

The message of the New Testament is clear, that is, we who follow Christ ARE in FACT in a spiritual battle. We are encouraged to be "good SOLDIERS for Christ" and the New Testament is overflowing with the symbolism of SOLDIERS. Contrary to popular belief we are not her on vacation! We are here in this world as soldiers for Christ because it IS a battle zone!

Our churches used to be fortresses for the training and encouraging of warriors for Christ. Sadly, today they are little more than refugee hospitals for the spiritually wounded. Pastors need to start being Generals again and training up the SOLDIERS of Christ so we can start winning the BATTLE again!

Ryan said...

Please do not advocate "..soldiers for Christ...", all this does is promote and allow a justification for people to kill and do harm to one another based on 2000 year old belief system. These people (homophobic/ProLife) defend their actions by reciting biblical verses translated over 30 times; through 1400 years of turmoil and wars....
...and may I add that "To the victor goes the ink..."
For a system based on peace and forgiveness, modern day Christianity is as spurious as Glenn Beck.
Find God within yourself and be at peace with who you are. "There are as many paths to God as there are people living today"

And might I add Jesus took care of the weak and poor... He did not build up armies. We do not need fortress' for soldiers, we need education for our ignorant and food for the hungry; shelter for the homeless and patience for all people within our communities
The New Messiah

Greg H said...

There are not many paths to God as there are people living today..

Jesus said in John 14:6

John 14:6 (New International Version)

6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

There are no ways to GOD, except through Christ.