This vision will be , it will come ,it will come soon. How do we know ? Because this is the longing of all creation, the groaning of The Spirit of God!
My tomorrow is His today, and my(our)feeble , whispered , faithless prayers invoke a thunderous , resounding , bone-shaking great "AMEN'' from countless angels, from heroes of the Faith, from Jesus Himself. And Jesus is the great Vision caster, the ultimate winner ........guaranteed at CALVARY, RESURRECTION flows from His throne and still there for those who dare to believe in HIS miracles , in fact not only believe.......actually depend on them.
1 CORINTHIANS 2 , dear friends enjoy the intellectual challenges of these WORDS of TRUTH.
Verse 9 says : NO EYE HAS SEEN NO EAR HAS HEARD , NO MIND CONCEIVED WHAT GOD HAS PREPARED FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM, v.10 BUT GOD HAS REVEALED IT TO US BY HIS SPIRIT.....HOLY SPIRIT" Believe it & receive it with the urgency of a dying man or woman. It will be to your peril and a lost world if you ignore the WISDOM & VISION from God!!!!!!!!!
I will continue tomorrow with more of the powerful WORD of God , for He will impart His VISION to those who crave it. BLESSINGS & GRACE
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