Monday, August 23, 2010


This blog may ignite some with a resounding "YES" , for others I have no doubt there will be great discomfort .
I was given a book as a gift on the week-end and have not been able to put it down : The Barbarian is it's name . If you have read it you will know what I am about to say , if not you may like to just read on and respond as you choose .
There is a line in the book that goes something like this : GOD WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE FOR US SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE OVER & ABOVE SAFETY EVERY TIME!
Selah on this for a moment ,instead of becoming reactionary , even if your own spiritual walk does not reflect this line at this point in time , that does not necessarily mean that this is not spiritual truth , according to God & His Word , more importantly His Kingdom values. Consider John the Baptist's life , ministry, death , even this faithful courageous prophet had to check with Jesus that all was as it should be when he found himself imprisoned awaiting a beheading for no other crime than challenging sin in Herod. I am fairly certain from God's angle safety for John was lower in priority to his spiritual significance ! REFLECT
All but one(John the beloved) of the first Disciples was martyred for their faith and were often beaten , rejected . mocked , tortured in their lives prior to their glorious deaths ! REFLECT
Since when did the church make our personal safety more imperitive than the Gospel being advanced , and why are there so many benign expressions of committment to Jesus , when the call and terms of Discipleship are clearly radical , revolutionary, risky,compelling,uncomfortable , unpredictable,edgy and actually down right dangerous.
If today you are prepared to really come to terms with authentic Discipleship according to Jesus , then you will know such an awesome blessing in your life , this blessing will cause you to throw yourself upon God's ongoing mercy , grace & power rather than having all your comfort zone tick boxes on a daily basis .
I believe more than I ever have in my journey of faith that there has been a very real error in the teaching & definition of discipleship according to JESUS , we have underated , understated, and underestimated what the Lord has required of us when He has called us to be His Disciples .
Consequently in some ways the church has reaped what it has sown , we have settled for a sub-standard level of bland , non-threatening , safe, cosy , christianity which makes no difference to a sinful world, if anything brings us mockery .
People of GOD , please read the Gospels and see what Jesus requires when He calls you to follow Him ....and count the cost of authentic Christianity , what changes have to occur in your lives to match what Jesus asks of you and are you willing to step up to be the radical disciple that He calls you to be .
If not any preaching , reading or challenge of this nature will send you away screaming back into the comfortable , safe , religious,rut that neither dares nor defies the pharisaical expression of 'religious observance'.
Today I pray for my readers .......That Jesus will be fully formed in you according to His glory , His nature & His values .

MATTHEW 8 ;18-22,28-34


1 comment:

Andrew van Gaalen said...

"Since when did the church make our personal safety more imperitive than the Gospel being advanced" I believe it happened when, as you say in your previous blog, "I GOT INTO SIN WHEN I CEASED HAVING A HEALTHY FEAR OF GOD" We have replaced the richness of God's word with tradition and doctrine, neglecting what the bible says about God being a just God, a Holy God, a God who will not be mocked. Instead of developing a fear of God, we have created a God that suits our intentions and desires. We have created him to worship and fear us, Just like the Israelites whom when God called them to come to the mountain to worship Him, stood far off and then while Moses went up they made a god that suited them. They brought God down to their level.
John Bevere poses a great question, "Do you think the King of kings and the Lord of lords is going to come into a place where He is not given due Honour and Reverence?" SELAH