Sunday, August 8, 2010


Jesus is constantly speaking to me in His Word about how much He values exact obedience, it is a non-negotiable in the Kingdom of God .
Unfortunately many actually operate from the paradigm that all will be well if I partially obey God , or even sacrifice these areas of my life . Dear readers that is Biblically unsound and theologically not truth , it is not even acceptable in any area of your spiritual journey . If you have lulled yourself into believing that or even worse if others in spiritual authority have taught you that , please know in God's eyes this is not His will , nor is it His plan for you .
We need a revival as God's people with reigniting a HEALTHY fear of God and His Word , I stress again ''healthy", ( I can hear the protests now as I write this ) , please stay with me!If you look into Exodus 20 : 17 you will read some non-negotiables from God ..... keep reading down to verses18 through to verse21. Make some spiritually minded observations : v19 "and they said to Moses , ';Speak to us yourself and we will listen . But do not have God speak to us or we will die ."
Moses' response in verse20 "Moses said to the people, "D0 not be afraid . God has come to test (not tempt) you, so that ....THE FEAR OF GOD WILL BE WITH YOU TO KEEP YOU FROM SINNING. Please Selah on this verse for a moment.
verse 21 "The people remained at a distance , while Moses approached the thick darkness where God was ."
There sadly was a distancing from God for the people ,v.18b...'they stayed at a distance",v21 "the people remained at a distance...".
Be very careful when you start distancing yourself from God , ask yourself deeply why ? Be careful when you start to only want to hear from God's servants and not from God Himself , ask yourself why ?
Be aware when you start to back away from His Word , His plan , His presence , His call to deep ,intimate prayer . Be aware that this will all result in a self-serving spirituality that will lead you to the places Jesus doesn't want you to be.
If you doubt that look at King Saul , Adam and Eve, even David with his eyes over the balcony looking at Bathsheba when he should have been focused on the battle and so many more in the Old Testament .
New testament is also littered with spiritual casualities: Ananias & Sapphira (Acts 5), the rich young ruler , the Pharisees ( using 'religion' to serve themselves), the Corinthians, Judas and sadly many , many more.
Today do you relentlessly obey the voice of God in your life , this really is a matter of ETERNAL consequence for you and others .
Please don't just settle on a 'self- centred gospel ' ( actually there is in God's eyes no such thing ),
this will be as a cancer in your spirit and the Body of Christ .
Read as a reminder today GALATIANS and obey . Oh and for any critics reading ,please understand this is the standard that I am called to with you and I daily remind myself of God's grace as well as His Holiness , you see Jesus was full of GRACE & TRUTH , one cannot have all grace & no truth , or all truth and no grace , we are called to have both.

God bless you today , & praying for you .


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