Sunday, December 14, 2008


For our own blessing, & a lost world JESUS demands absolute obedience! He has never made room for"almost" in His vocabulary, in His terms of Discipleship.With Jesus......"next time", "not now", has to become "yes,this time", "today". No , Jesus never had room for "almost" & He still doesn't. I meet people who are often putting off that which is spoken to them from God's Holy Spirit that dear friends is extremely dangerous when it comes to your spiritual journey. Almost may be acceptable in other areas of your life , but not when it comes to obedience to JESUS.
If the Master is calling you , requiring you to be obedient in any & every area of your life , He means it & please don't settle for (zero affect) of ALMOST, a sad word really , an even sadder response.
Read Agrippa's response to Paul : Acts 26:28 ''Agrippa said unto Paul, "Almost you have persuaded me to become a Christian."What a sad way to be remembered , the man who .....almost made it to the Kingdom of God, the person who almost got saved , the man, woman, who almost became an Officer .......almost ! What will you & I be remembered for , TODAY is the day , not tomorrow , not next year , not next month. TODAY IS THE DAY TO SAY :"YES JESUS".Yes Jesus whatever you want me to do , I am yours ..............!
JESUS still requires total obedience, nothing less.
Jesus give you the courage to be faithfully obedient to JESUS !

Praying for you all.



Anonymous said...

Almost, mmm. How would you see the discussion between Jesus and Peter in John 21. Seems Jesus was willing to accept Peter's "yes Lord you know I am your friend" which could bee seen as a low level of discipleship as he called him to follow me.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anon,
As I have personally responded to you , I shall also publicly respond. You need to understand what Jesus & Peter were saying to each other .Jesus was inquiring if Peter genuinely loved Him. In each response Peter answered I (PHILEOU) you, that meaning :"I have brotherly affectiion for you", or "I merely care for you ". Jesus wanted Peter to say "I AGAPE You". That love means a totality of absolute committment to Jesus. Jesus beautifully demonstrates that is what He requires from us in this benchmark of love & the committment He asks of us.Which.....demonstrates the point again ALMOST really is not what Jesus asks from us.
You have raised a good Biblical reference to discuss.
Blessings to you today . MARNEY

Anonymous said...

Yes Jesus did use Agape but Peter continued with "you are my friend" and Jesus it would seem was satisfied to accept what peter was saying. It would also seem that none of this precluded Peter from following nor does it suggest he was a second class disciple.