Today I am really exercised in my spirit about the lack of receptivity to the WORD of THE LORD!There are many comments that I receive that are absolute slanderous , anonymous criticisms of both God's Word & the ones who actually have the courage of their convictions and actually are OBEDIENT to the call of God.
Armchair experts , the world is full of them........people sitting in comfortable chairs on their cozy , anonymous,computers critically judging anyone & everyone who is at least attempting to be part of this world's answer......instead of continuing to be part of the ongoing problem.Well as I read the Gospels I note that JESUS 'ministry was either comforting the disturbed or disturbing the comfortable . I guess there is nothing much different today .......people who are authentically seeking a SAVIOUR will find their answer in JESUS ......others who just want to criticise , judge , and be screen jeerers will continue to never be happy and make other people's lives miserable around them.
Sadly the termiting of one another can come from within .....& even then nothing has changed ....JESUS had most of His opposition , jealousy , criticism from the "religious Pharisees", those who majored on the issues that didn't really matter & missed the vital issues that were on God's heart, healing of the sick, recovery of sight to the blind , Salvation through His Son JESUS .. Jesus once challenged a group of "well dressed Pharisees" to throw the first stone if they were without sin, how fascinating that all the rocks dropped to the dirt. Today I exhort readers to look at HEBREWS 4:6-13 please do yourself a favour and read . Verse 7 reads : ''TODAY ,IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE ,DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART.v12''FOR THE WORD OF GOD IS LIVING & POWERFUL & SHARPER THAN ANY TWO-EDGED SWORD, PIERCING EVEN TO THE DIVISION OF SOUL & SPIRIT, & OF JOINTS & MARROW & IS A DISCERNER OF THE THOUGHTS & INTENTS OF THE HEART. v.13 AND THERE IS NO CREATURE HIDDEN FROM HIS SIGHT , BUT ALL ....ALL THINGS ARE TRANSPARENT & OPEN TO THE EYES OF HIM TO WHOM WE MUST ALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT." Today dear friends please pause & hear the WORD OF THE LORD .
Really praying for all readers today .
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