Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Jesus valued a lost world... He valued our lostness so much that He gave His life that we might be saved.That means He perfectly honoured the Father's will and as such valued His WORDS and His will for you and I.
If you value your ethical standards in a immoral society , that is what you will choose to behave like.
If you value an ETERNAL relationship with God , through Jesus Christ then you will choose to give your life to Jesus and invite Him to be your Lord & Saviour .....today. And not only TRUST HIM but OBEY His claims upon your life.
We all invest into that which we value : we all fall the way we lean! Look at your bank balance , where you spend your time, who you spend your time with, think about what you view and with what motive you review all that comes into your sphere of influence.In recent days I have been contemplating about ETERNITY and there have been some interesting comments in feed back!
One comment was regarding the reality of HEAVEN & HELL . Let me say to my readers today both are a reality......JESUS said it and He died that we might be able to spend ETERNITY with Himself in Heaven for all Eternity.
However, if we continually choose to reject His offering of life, love & forgiveness through His shed blood on the cross , His resurrection and ongoing presence of His promised Holy Spirit......then we choose to be where Jesus is not present and that dear loved ones is a place called hell.
Jesus actually speaks often about both, and that is my only authority to even dare to discuss such a matter of Eternal consequence. You see I value your Eternity so much that I choose to give my every waking moment to promote the love of Jesus to everyone and anyone who is seriously seeking an answer for their life .
If today you are seeking some peace, forgiveness, answers, hope , love, joy , restoration, healing, reconciliation then can I lovingly suggest that you choose to value a relationship with Jesus Christ.
He loves you and longs to hold you close to His heart .......there is a warning from Jesus if you continually reject His offer of free Salvation and that can be found in MATTHEW 11: 20-24.
But then comes what Jesus really values about your life : verse 28 "COME TO ME ALL...ALL..ALL YOU WHO ARE WEARY AND BURDENED AND I WILL GIVE YOU REST." Who in their right mind would not want to value a SAVIOUR such as this.......JESUS values you , why not respond back to Him .
Further Bible references : MATTHEW 7:13-23, MATTHEW 6:19-24,JOHN3:16-21 Value these words ...they are TRUTH!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Marney, are you able to answer the questions in both my first comment and the hypothetical given in my later comment to your previous post? Thanks.

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