Thursday, June 13, 2013


Witnessing to the saving power of Jesus at the recent Melbourne Body Mind Spirit Festival I was reminded that there are many who say : ' Oh Yes I believe in Jesus ... " on further investigation it was revealed that they believed in the Prophet Jesus or the Good Teacher Jesus or the Kind man Jesus , but when pressed to affirm the True Lord Jesus belief , i.e King of Kings & Lord of Lords ... as the Bible states or the The Way - The Truth - The Life Jesus ... there was often a fast back peddle . Similarly when a presentation of The Gospel was given , there would often be a rejection of the exclusivity yet all embracing GOSPEL as presented in the Gospels .... So my question to readers TODAY is simple : What JESUS do you believe in , trust in pray to & which Gospel are you proclaiming ?????
2Timothy talks about godlessness in LAST DAYS .. read 2 Tim 3 : 1-5 , Matthew 24 talks about .. ' The love of MOST ( the committed ) growing COLD ... " check it out . The only TRUE LORD JESUS is the Jesus that saves 'TO THE UTTERMOST ..."
If they don't match ALL that JESUS said of Himself & if the Gospel you preach doesn't match the New Testament Good News as Jesus and the First Disciples preached then can I suggest you have a problem ... secondly please get a revelation of The TRUE LORD JESUS CHRIST .. THE ONLY SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD . "There is no other name under heaven by which men & women can be saved .... except by the name  of JESUS ".

Praying for REVIVAL in our land & particularly in the CHURCH

1 comment:

Daniel Efosa Uyi said...

nice post for us christians
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Keep up the good work you're doing here.