Monday, April 15, 2013


Matthew 6:5-18 Jesus calls us in this Chapter to GIVE .&.. PRAY ... PRAY & FAST ... PRAY & FORGIVE .
Read the text there is an emphasis from Jesus'  own lips .. 'When you  GIVE' , 'When you PRAY ' ... 'When you  PRAY & FAST ' .. " When you FORGIVE' .
Australia needs Holy Spirit , Blood bought , REVIVAL . The challenge that is upon His Bride , ( the CHURCH ) is are we willing and prepared to PRAY  THE PRICE OF REVIVAL ?

Any revival throughout  history  has been preceded  and carried on the wings of those who are PRAYER WARRIORS ... people who will not let God's Spirit leave unless He blesses .

Today let The Holy Spirit REVIVE you personally ...and see what He will REVIVE through you as you are humbled - filled and renewed with  Holy Passion for the World .

Please in Jesus' Name  offer yourselves to PRAY THE PRICE OF REVIVAL in  our NATION .PSALM 51

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