Two thirds of God's Name Is GO.......GO........GO! Don't you find that fascinating ? Jesus was always calling people & still is to ''GO ....GO.....GO INTO ALL THE WORLD & PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL....."To be exact Matthew 28 :19 ''THEREFORE GO & MAKE DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS....."(have a read of Matthew 28:16-20) . We on the other hand sometimes prefer to STAY with :"Bless me ", 'comfort me', 'feed me' , 'stroke me' .......ME! ME! ME!Please today hear the WORD of The LORD!Moses called to let God's people GO ! Joshua called to GO & possess the 'promised land'! God is into 'GO' ....Jesus calls us to "GO'', The Holy Spirit promises His presence , peace ,power, and joy when we actually do "GO "! So how about it ? It really is time to stand up , stop playing at victim and start living in obedient victory .......GO FOR GOD...GO FOR JESUS SAKE ...GO FOR A LOST WORLD'S SAKE . Give up small ambitions & GO NOW ! Don't wait for a text, email or facebook neon sign....simply do what JESUS has called you to and be willing to GO as He requires . Officers are needed NOW , if not you who? And if not now when?
May God give you the courage of your convictions and if you are a "GO PERSON" , please keep
GOING for Jesus' sake !
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