Sunday, October 19, 2008


In 2009 the next session of Cadets ( men& women ) training to become Officers(ministers of the Gospel) in The Salvation Army will be welcomed as a session , called ''The Ambassadors of Holiness".....isn't that an amazing , awesome name to be imparted to you, both as a session of people & as individuals.
The truth is in this world today Jesus needs His ambassadors of Holiness right throughout the world . People ...young, old , men , women , boys &girls who actually are Holy , reflections and representatives of The King of Kings & Lord of Lords, Jesus ! And as far as the "Holiness" aspect ..that is also what the Lord is calling for in this world , all sorts of people who are so devoted to God that people see Jesus in their lives . As I listen to people ,their words , actions , behaviour and values I believe we need a ''HOLINESS REVIVAL" globally. For anyone who may misunderstand my comments , I am not suggesting a "self-righteous" attitude or merely a moralistic , legalistic response , rather it is my prayer that we indeed would be in this world , in this country ,people who represent Jesus as His ambassadors and incarnationally inject through our lives , words , actions, motives & thoughts the loving Holiness of the living God. I emphasize " loving " because holiness without love can be harsh, ungracious and pharisaical . Jesus is the best role model for me on that matter , as the Word of God says in John 1:17 "...JESUS FULL OF GRACE & TRUTH...''.
Today can I encourage you to pray about the call to become an' AMBASSADOR OF HOLINESS ' in your home, street, community , workplace , school and beyond. Who knows someone reading this may actually be also called to become an Officer in The Salvation Army and even more than that , to venture into The Salvation Army Training College in 2009 to become a member of The Ambassadors of Holiness session. Don't be quick to dismiss such a calling ... if you long to live for JESUS , you never know what He will do next in your ongoing journey of faith.
Blessings to you today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said!