Many times I hear words that are said that make the journey of Discipleship sound almost as if there is a choice when Jesus calls you .
If you are familiar with the Word of God and Jesus terms of radical discipleship you will know that there is really no choice in the matter of Jesus' call upon your life .
Many people will suggest that there is always a choice , however today I would say to you that if you choose to say "NO LORD" , then in fact you are saying ''YES TO YOURSELF" , and at that point Jesus has actually CEASED TO BE LORD OF YOUR LIFE .
Before you run to the valley of self-justification, or avalanche of excuses , just pause and listen to Jesus in Matthew 6:24 ''NO ONE CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS . EITHER HE WILL HATE THE ONE & LOVE THE OTHER , OR HE WILL BE DEVOTED TO THE ONE & DESPISE THE OTHER . YOU CANNOT SERVE BOTH GOD & MONEY ." This is but one reference , there are many others ....just read through the Gospels and you will find the non- negotiable terms of Discipleship .
So today is your life all about JESUS ? Answer honestly , answer with integrity , please answer Him !
If you can say "yes" , keep being that person , if you cannot say a yes & amen then He is but a prayer away and is all to ready to bring you back to His loving , all forgiving arms.
Praying for you all today
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