Sunday, March 14, 2010


At the CROSS OF CALVARY there were groups of mockers : a)the crowd,b)the chief priests , Scribes , & Pharisees, c)the roman soldiers , d)the thieves , the sad account of these pitiable people and there attitudinal sin is found in MATTHEW 27:27-44, worth a read leading up to Easter.
The crowd is still there constantly mocking something , or someone they don't understand bringing with their presence cynacism , doubt , biting criticism and irreverential tongue slashing.
Don't be swayed by it , don't listen to it and above all do not let it destroy the dreams God has placed in your heart.
The chief priests and their peer groups still want to destoy everything that Jesus has ever wanted to accomplish happened in Jesus 'time and sadly this group are very much alive and
venomous today.These are the people who major on the minor issues & make of no consequence the issues that are of Eternal and Kingdom order . Beware of these people in your life near or far , discern the lack of compassion & mercy , check out the envy and strife that radiates from such individuals and quite frankly pray unceasingly for their scathing criticism to not permeate your spirit....for as in Jesus' day the ultimate end of these people's influence is crucifixion of all that is pure , holy and right in God's eyes , and most of all the ultimate robbing of God's Holy
Spirit birthing in you God's pleasing & perfect will .And these people who were supposed to be the spiritual leaders of the times proved again that ''RELIGION'' can merely be a cover for hatred , maliciousness & mercilessness. ( note I said 'religion' not Christ -centred Christianity).
The thieves & the roman soldiers like the other groups are in a league all of their own .....over this week I will continue on but for now encouraged not discouraged ,2. know that because of the cross YOU ARE FORGIVEN.3. your SALVATION will never be stolen from you unless you choose to let it be so.4.Jesus for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross( Hebrews 12:2) YOU & I ARE THAT JOY !!!!!5.Jesus by His death & Resurrection has made a public spectacle of satan & his mocking agents ....YOU THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE VICTORY.Colossians 2 : 15 ''And having disarmed the powers & authorities , He made a public spectacle of them , triumphing over them by the CROSS. "
Walk in your blood bought inheritance today & remember it is all because of JESUS .....NO OTHER.

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