Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Choices can be a fascinating challenge. My journey of faith revolves around the word: 'YES' .....every day ,"YES"! My "YES" to Jesus , my "YES" to Jesus' call upon my life , my " YES' to the experience of Holiness . I believe that an ongoing "YES" is the key to victorious living in the love of JESUS.
There are often many times when we linger in the valley of "indecision" and lose momentum or even sadder the wonderful opportunity that is open before us .The door of joy, peace, hope, life, fulfillment, excitement, ignitement, holy love, and service.
Today is another day that you & I have choices about so many things, what to eat, which clothes to wear , what we read , what we allow our eyes to see, what we listen to , or even the words we may say or not say.
General Eva Burrows (retired) made a great statement at a gathering in 2002 : ''There are three forms of relationship. We move away from people, against people or towards people." Can I inspire you to say "YES & AMEN" both towards JESUS & PEOPLE today . If you do that there will be so many blessings that you cannot contain is true , I have proved this countless times ,,even today I know this has occured in my life. Really be an opportunist for the
glory of God & the Salvation of your life & others. JESUS SAVES......JUST SAY "YES" .....really leave the detail in His hands , they are big enough to hold this fragmented world.

Blessings to you today , still praying !


Anonymous said...

That's interesting. My experiences at Salvo church gatherings, are ones of coolness and reluctance to move towards relationship.

I think people are naturally wary of strangers, but if a stranger makes the first move in conversation, why not take an active interest. Instead, I find a "take it or leave it" approach.

What I do see in Salvo's churches is an undercurrent of fear. This might explain my experiences.

Looks like I'll end up in Hell after all!

Anonymous said...

David , May you know that there are many people in The Salvation Army who are very warm & open to all . In fact I know that you received a very helpful , authentic response at 614 in at Bourke street a few Sundays ago . Please continue to stay open to God & His people.

Anonymous said...

In reference to you comment about continuing to stay open to God and His people, what do you recommend, Marney?

Anonymous said...

How can we ever get to the truth of a matter without the use of reason and the discovery of evidence?

There needs to be more than your assertion that "Jesus Saves". So far, I have failed to find the reasons and motivations for an affirmative response.

Why is it that I do not find God anywhere? Perhaps Christians are not the ones who are hiding God after all.

Evangelist for Christ said...

im not commenting to get in on the argument. Rather i am commenting to say that i enjoy reading your blogs, your heart and passion for Jesus is inspirational. It is good 2 see officers that are foward thinking and Jesus seeking!

Anonymous said...

I saw a Tshirt recently that said Jesus Saves and had a picture of Jesus putting money in a piggy bank! Makes me wonder about the language we use and whether it really conveys the message that we want 'non-religious' folk to understand.