Taking a hunger for JESUS, His Word , Prayer has resulted in alot of issues .There was a time when a person's word was their bond , when corruption was the exception, when children were taught Godliness as the standard for life , when marriages were maintained with love , faithfulness & ongoing committment , a time when people were faithful in worship , giving , witness and love .
Those days are gone in this time in history ... what will it take to stop the downward spiral and rebuild our nation to live as JESUS asks us to , to honour biblical marriage , to honour one another , to honour Godly holiness ???
We are in desperate need of REVIVAL .. Holy Spirit , Blood Bought , Cleansing , JESUS REVIVAL !!
If we as a nation still have as default position ; 'We don't need to pray , we don't need The Saviour .'.... then we also need to REPENT .
Today please stop , listen to the voice of a loving SAVIOUR , His name JESUS , who 'came to seek & save that which is LOST ' , that is you and I . Without His saving love , forgiveness , grace & mercy our private worlds are HOPELESS , without JESUS ' saving power our global world is dead ! Pray & seek JESUS today tand see RENEWAL in your own life & lives that surround you .
If you have a Bible , why not read MATTHEW 24
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