Dear Friends ,
How goes your Christmas preparation in this last week before Christmas ?
I have some more JESUS' gift suggestions that will not cost anything financially , but will transact from your grace & humility spiritual account .
. GOODNESS to all ... Be prepared to go without a dollar before you take a dishonest one . Be prepared to be overlooked , misunderstood , and even accused wrongly ....BUT still return 'goodness' back.GIVE GOODNESS.
. FAITHFULNESS to all ... This Christmas & beyond keep your promises . Make your debtors not regret their trust in you. Your associates not question your word. Your husband/ wife will not need to question your love & your children will never have fear of you NOT coming home. GIVE FAITHFULNESS.
.GENTLENESS to all .....Realise again nothing is won by bullying or force, give a gentle spirit to others. If you raise your voice may it only be in praise. If you clench your fists may it only be in prayer . If you make demands may it only be of yourself. GIVE GENTLENESS .
CLEAN HANDS & A PURE HEART ... Give others the gift of your obedience to transparent, holy living . In this sin-sick world this one will possibly be a 'more than welcome gift' for many . Speak with God's righteousness , choose holy lifestyle standards of living , 'BE HOLY , AS I AM HOLY.. SAYS THE LORD.''
GIVE GOD'S HOLINESS .... many will be so grateful for being in your sphere of influence .
. SELF CONTROL... Give others the gift in your own life of a self-controlled spirit. Self control in your bodily appetites , self-control in your angry outbursts, self-control in your gossip, criticism , judgemental comments. GIVE THE GIFT OF YOUR OWN SELF-CONTROL.
I leave with you today the reference of PHILIPPIANS 2 :1-13
Jesus bless you as serve HIM as LORD & love others.
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