Monday, October 4, 2010


Yesterday I was sitting on a Melbourne ( Australian) tram and saw this very large sign advertising a university : 'We are not all born to change the world ... but we can learn how ' , I found it interesting because the ministry I am involved in at this present moment invites others to ''COME , CHANGE THE WORLD NOW".
I really believe that if we are born again in Christ Jesus we are actually born to change this world for the glory of God and the Salvation of all people through the shed blood , and resurrection of Jesus Christ , Lord & Saviour.
Of course we can learn how to be more effective in communicating and living out the Gospel , however, if we have accepted Jesus as Lord then from that moment on we are actually "BORN TO CHANGE THE WORLD...."
The bible calls us to that very cause and The Holy Spirit empowers us to be effective in changing this sinsick world with the love of Jesus, moment by moment , day by day , week by week , month by month , year by year , until Jesus comes again or we go and meet Him face to face . Do you understand the urgency of this call and what it means in the lives of OTHERS , as well as yourself ?
The Great Commission requires God's people to go into all the world and bring the CHANGE that only the presence of Jesus can bring , read it again in MATTHEW 28:16-20,you my friend are called to CHANGE this world and so am I, by God's grace , through the power of The Holy Spirit , giving all glory to Jesus.
And I would challenge you today with the thought : IF NOT YOU WHO ? AND IF NOT NOW WHEN ?
Come on give up your small ,comfortable ambitions ....COME CHANGE THE WORLD , NOW !


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