Sunday, February 14, 2010


Owning one's own sin is not popular , but absolutely necessary to spiritual vitality and growth in the Lord.
Today if you need a spiritual and personal cleansing follow these guides from the Word of God.
1.Own your own sin, sins by OMMISSION or COMMISSION grieve the Spirit of God.
2. Grieving the Holy Spirit will allow you to be more vulnerable and more likely to sin even more .EPHESIANS4: 30-32.
3. Unforgiveness will be as a cancerous growth in your spiritual life......confess it and FORGIVE ALL WHO HAVE OFFENDED YOU.
4. If you want to grow up in God you have to realise that there are behaviours that God cannot tolerate and until we understand and act upon these behaviours we will remain spiritual babies.
5. Understand that Jesus longs for you and yearns to not be in any way separated from your life ,He loves you with an everlasting love that continually calls you to Himself.
6.Psalm 51 is a good place to start praying repentance if you are not sure how to begin.
7. Be sincere as you pray and don't expect a mere perfunctory prayerful performance will be sufficent, rather God requires a broken & contrite heart.
8. Start believing that God will not reveal to you any 'FRESH REVELATION' until you have obeyed that which He has already shown you.
9. Please start today ...that is all you have for sure .
10.Read two or three times COLOSSIANS 3:5-17.

Praying for you all today .

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