The effects of September 11,2001 , as indeed the effects of Australia's most serious natural disaster in history , that being the tragedy of lives lost in raging fires over these days bring to most people a deeper level of pain& grief than that of the immediate. If you were to see real passion in most "aussies" it would almost always come from the realm of sport,cricket & tennis in summer in winter(generally speaking).However,in recent days it is evident that there is a stirring amongst us as a nation to realise that such terrible tragedy and loss of life causes us to really STOP, PRAY & ACT with love , with service , with conviction & committment to those numerous families & towns who have been brought to ground zero!I read a comment recently : "Until now , ours has been an age of blandness , our technology & machinery are disturbingly lively , and we as human beings are frighteningly inert."This quote was written by a philosopher called Donna Harraway. Whatever you may think about that comment , it seems to reasonate with many people , on a normal day, given normal circumstances . However, the terrible tragic events of recent days must shake our comfortable maintenance mentality ...the boat of any complacency in any aspect of our lives has been soundly rocked & we need to understand that we as Jesus' people are called to love , practically, spiritually & emotionally in order to support hurting , devastated , hopeless ,grieving communities. The Church that lifts up JESUS as`LORD & SAVIOUR can no longer afford to present a " business as usual " response to such tragedies occuring on a daily basis in Australia & in fact Globally. Crisis such as we view on our screens must create the death of blandness, apathy, mediocrity & maintenance mode . We like all of God's people need a revival of passionate , zealous , committment of love that not only talks about it , but actually lives like JESUS is coming back tomorrow , and loves all people as if they were members of our own family......Reading verses like 1 JOHN 3:16-18 ''THIS IS HOW WE KNOW WHAT LOVE IS ; JESUS CHRIST LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US . AND WE OUGHT TO LAY DOWN OUR LIVES FOR OUR BROTHERS . v.17 IF ANYONE HAS MATERIAL POSSESSIONS & SEES HIS BROTHER IN NEED , BUT HAS NO PITY ON HIM/HER , HOW CAN THE LOVE OF GOD BE IN HIM? v. 18 DEAR CHILDREN , LET US NOT LOVE WITH WORDS OR TONGUE BUT WITH ACTIONS & IN TRUTH." The real need TODAY & every day to come is :how would JESUS respond ?, what can I do to be like JESUS in this moment , in these circumstances ?
Today if you call yourself a Christian then you & I must meet people with a zeal for our SAVIOUR ....JESUS that knows no boundaries , that is ignited and activated into action for surely it is urgently required for such a time as this!
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