NOW...NOW...NOW...IS THE TIME TO REALLY GET SERIOSLY OBEDIENT TO THE LOVE , CALL & PASSION OF JESUS! Whilst Len & I were away it seemed that the Lord was repeating in various places & through different (unconnected ) people the same messages. One in particular was that Jesus is coming again and these Officers & Pastors that we heard publicly preaching with passion & urgency were urging their listeners to : 1. Be spiritually ready to meet Jesus.
2. To be willing to obey the Lord NOW , when He speaks into our lives.
3. To deal with any area of our lives that requires repentance.
4. To not be arrogant about our dwarfed goals , rather look unto Jesus and become activated , energised about His goals for this world.
COME, CHANGE THE WORLD NOW is an urgent plea from The Holy Spirit to the church, today. The Salvation Army needs appointed , anointed, called , holy , obedient, innovative Officers who will lead God's people into the next decades of history. Please understand that you are needed now. Not in two years time, not in five years time .......rather now!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was asked recently how many candidates are needed to fill the needs of ministry within this TERRITORY , and I was compelled to respond with this answer : "if there were 100 Cadets going into training every year , it would not be enough to make advances into the kingdom of darkness , in order to be victorious for God's Kingdom.
Jesus is coming back , please do not hesitate in the valley of 'INDECISION', about going forward in loving faith and zealous ,humble obedience to the call of Jesus.
Read Matthew 24 and be open to the Lord's voice. Established leaders please encourage God's people that you are entrusted with to Dream Big and obey swiftly the Lord Jesus , as He calls each one of us to GIVE UP OUR SMALL AMBITIONS, & COME, CHANGE THE WORLD......NOW!!!!!!!!!In case you are in doubt just read todays newspaper or watch this days news.We are living in a fractured world, are we not?
MARANATHA!!!!!! Come ,Lord Jesus Come!
To Anon(and Dave),
First of all, to be writing in your comments anonymously speaks for itself, doesn't it? For anonymous letters are only written by weak people, people who want to dampen other peoples spirits with their own negative and cynical thoughts,yet are to cowardly to even sign their own name. They are written by bitter people who have nothing better to do with their obviously lacking lives than criticise those "fools" who they're actually deeply envious of, for their courage, their spirit, their humility and their passion for life and for God. Qualities that they themselves could have with a little less self pity and a little more faith.
And David? Whatever I may be, I am proud of my parents fired up passion and devotion for God and I know that without it the church and st corners would be alot worse off. If only more people were like them than what difference it would make! Crazy passion, unconditional faith and true love for God do not have use-by dates from century to century Dave, but you do. So how about You stop wasting your time hiding behind that desk? Go and stand on that "sad" corner in the city(Russell st would be the perfect opportunity for you!)and start to make it a better place by actually serving God's will, not your own. You may even find that you have something to offer! Perhaps then you will be in a place where you have a right to comment on reality.
Until then, any cowardly,bullying or cynical comments towards my mother can be directed my way. I'm more then happy to hear from you. And I'm sure she's praying for you, so watch out!!
Yeah ok, I'll f*** off then.
Carmey you're a legend! Articulate, reasoned, eloquent, passionate.............. you go girl!! Don't let anyone tell you you've not got Turner blood in you!!! Lv u! Nikki
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