Sunday, May 18, 2008


Regretting the past has consequences other than lost days, months , maybe even years of what could have been. In my current appointment I am attempting to help people to respond to the promptings from God's Holy Spirit for the NOW in their lives , as I move around the Territory with my husband Len as one of the Territorial Candidates Secretaries I meet many people who speak to me about what could have been in their lives if only..............., a.If only they had said 'yes' to a great posssibility.
b. If only they had said 'no' to a destuctive relationship or a painful choice in their lives.
c. If only thay had a chance to do it over again.
The further I travel the more I hear from people who really need to share their story , regrets and 'wish lists'.
Today I wish to encourage my readers (If there are any ) that today is a new day & I believe and have proved it to be true in my own life ,that you never know what Jesus is going to do next.
You see I don't only believe in miracles I depend on them in my own life & I constantly seize every opportunity I can to make a positive difference for Jesus' sake in this world . I want to be part of His answer not the problem. How about you today ? How is life happening for you ? I do pray for so many people and whoever you are I want to encourage you to not become frozen or paralyzed on the ladder of your life. Jesus really does love you more than you will ever know and He has not passed you over , no matter how mature you may be. I encourage you to contemplate JEREMIAH 1:5 ''BEFORE I FORMED YOU IN THE WOMB I KNEW YOU , BEFORE YOU WERE BORN I SET YOU APART ; I APPOINTED YOU AS A PROPHET TO THE NATIONS.''
Please do not underestimate the power of God & do not ever think that it is too late for you to seize the day for Jesus' sake. If you knew even a small part of some of my challenges you would understand I am not sharing from an Ivory tower. In fact if you would like to share at any time I would be more than happy to do so .
May God bless you each. SHALOM!!!!!!!!!!!

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