Tuesday, December 8, 2009


This Christmas I am wondering who is JESUS to you ?This is an important question for all of us to answer .....because our commitment (or not) will reflect our understanding of the nature & position of Jesus in our lives.
George Barna says,"For captive Christians , success is obedience to God , as demonstrated by consistently serving Christ & carrying out His commands & principles. For casual Christians, success is balancing everything just right so that they are able to maximise their opportunities & joys in life without undermining their perceived relationship with God & others. Stated differently, casual Christianity is about moderation in all things while captive Christianity is about extreme devotion to their God regardless of the worldly consequences." (www.barna.org)
Casual Christianity brings CONFUSION. Personal comfort is the priority over commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ. Casual Christianity is a sad replacement for the life of a Disciple of Jesus.....don't sell out friends, not now , not ever. Tomorrow I will share more with you on this theme, but please be contagious with the Gospel of Jesus this Christmas.

Praying for you all .


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