When you think about how God increases our faith & giving of ourselves , where does your mind take you? I immediately think of a little boy who was willing to share his basic lunch of five loaves & two fish , you can read about it in MATTHEW 14: 13-21. The Scriptures say in verse 21 there were five thousand men , (not counting the women & children), the little boy gave, JESUS prayed & everybody had a great meal , with twelve basketfuls of food left over......WOW!
God is always so generous to people , just think about it you woke up this morning (if you are reading this), you probably have eaten something today , another provision , yes from God. You have the chance to really love someone , anyone, even a precious little animal , wouldn't that be different if you actually performed a random act of kindness and made someone elses life a little easier just today, and not expect anything in return. God is always GIVING ..GIVING..GIVING.. to you & I . Forgiveness if we ask....release from bitterness if we ask.....a great optimistic attitude if we choose ..... ,peace in the midst of turmoil if we ask !
How great is our GOD.....and still we complain, still we winge about "our lot".Well today I want to remind myself & others just please for Jesus' sake be grateful that you still have breath in your body & if that is true that means that God is still waiting to do & be even more in your life than you ever thought possible . If you are constantly complaining about everything , be aware that the Word of God says a very awesome statement :PROVERBS 18:21 ''the tongue has the power of life & death ....."So today give thanks to GOD for it is all because of Him that you & I have anything.
Blessings to you and your opportunities that are given to you freely every day, by GRACE!
I for one want to say: THANK-YOU JESUS!!!!!!P.S I f you are reading this be grateful that you received an education, enough to read anyway.
Don't want to sound ungrateful, but isn't it strange that God gives the most to those who already have the most? On average, not discounting individual variations, christians in richer countries seem to get more than those in poorer countries.
Do you think something more than God's blessings might explain this?
Why would God grant people in Australia a higher level of education than say those who live in rural China? Because Australians are more favoured by God? Because Australians work harder than those lazy Chinese standing around in their fields doing nothing but hard labour all day?
Look at it from the point of view of a group of refugees escaping from Vietnam to Malaysia in a boat in 1978. After paying a substantial bribe to the boat owner to get a position on the crowded, rickety vessel. Try telling them how much God has blessed you and see how it plays out. Might it sound a tad arrogant? Perhaps God blesses in different ways in different countries. Where we might count a good education and never going without food a standard sort of blessing, people in Vietnam in 1976 might count their blessings by the number of bodies floating down the river past their houses, or the seizure of their businesses, or betrayal and broken promises by departing American forces.
Thank you God, for an economic system that screws the vast majority of people over, so that we in Australia can be so laid back and relaxed about our blessings.
Actually David ,
I. I know two boat refugees survivors from Vietnam , they are now Salvation Army Officers and are extremely grateful , as far as pain. hurt & death for many others ,I will never presume to act as God & I would humbly suggest you don.t either.
2.You do appear to not have an accurate understanding of the Biblical word "blessing ", actually means : 'THAT WHICH CAUSES ME TO THROW MYSELF UPON THE MERCY OF GOD".A curse ( according to the Hebrew thinking is : THAT WHICH MAKES ME INDEPENDENT FROM GOD". If you do ever read your Bible you will read how Jesus reinforced this more accurately in MATHEW 5:1-12. I can't help but keep seeing such a cynacism in you that carries so much disdain , & actually cynacism is idealism tourned sour ,usually by hurt. So today I encourage you a. let it go,
b. Stop merely thinking with a carnal mind,c. Begin to renew your thinking with The Word of God (ROMANS 12:1-2), & for your own sake just GIVE IT ALL TO JESUS! You will never be happy until you do . STILL PRAYING FOR YOU .....AND
SO ARE MANY OTHERS , & for that if I were you I would be grateful!
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