Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Dear Readers ,
Today I will commence (by request) a God inspired vision that I shared at the Territorial Candidates week-end (1st June). I will be writing this over at least a week and can only pray that this will ignite, excite, challenge you , as it does me! Remember Jesus'grace is more than sufficient for any calling that is upon your life, and mine!!!!I am so totally in holy love with Jesus and I pray that you are too.
First entry:''What's the Vision? What's the big idea?" I opened my mouth, and the words came out like this ............THE VISION? The vision is JESUS: obsessively,dangerously,undeniably JESUS. The vision is an ARMY of people-lots of different types of people. You see bones?I see an ARMY. And they are free from materialism-they laugh at 9-5little prisons. They could eat caviar on Monday & crusts on Tuesday they would not even notice. They know the meaning of the Matrix, the way the west is won. They are mobile like the wind, they belong to the nations, they need no passport.
People write their addresses in pencil and wonder at their strange existence. They are FREE yet they are slaves of the hurting, dirty & dying.
What is the VISION? The vision is HOLINESS that hurts the eyes, it makes children laugh and adults angry. It gave up the game of minimum, mediocre integrity long ago to reach for the stars. This vision scorns the god of entertainment ,soft ,comfortable living and strains for the best.
It is dangerously pure. Light flickers from every secret motive, every private conversation. It loves people away from their suicide leaps, their mind playing satan games. This is an ARMY that would lay down its' life for the CAUSE of JESUS CHRIST.
A million times a day its' soldiers choose to lose that they might one day win in the great 'WELL DONE' of fathful sons & daughters.
Such heroes are as radical on Monday morning as Sunday night!

The carriers and essence of this Vision are people who love Jesus more than their own life ,if they were required to give up their life for this Vision ,they would, they do !

MARK 8;34-38..................READ IT ... to be continued.

Praying for you all.......MARNEY


james said...

love it!

Anonymous said...

Marney ...
I'm a little disapointed - you may have told people at the Territorial Candidates confernece the origin of the God inspired vision that you shared - I don't know... but I hope you did; but no where in this blog do you say who the original author was: Pete Greig of the 24/7 Prayer room - refer to for its story. Your credibility has been tarnished again Marney. Please keep this blogspot honest and give the credit to those it belongs to. This is said in love.

Simon Mapleback said...

Tarnished - if you yourself are out to tarnish the reputation of God's people, all I'll say is, be careful! Who says God can't give the same vision to more than one person anyway!?!?!

Marney - I love that passage in Ezekiel 37 - I even wrote a song on it. (Anon - I'm sure you know someone who wrote a song on it too, but this one is mine - check the copywrite....)

Holiness that hurts your eyes - that's what I want, just standing infront of someone and making them feel 'dirty' from their sins - oh, 'to be like Jesus'!! (yes I know it's not original - but I don't know who wrote it anon, otherwise I'd footnote it and give them credit)

Anonymous said...

Interesting.... I agree with anon,
though; and am not suprised onthe reaction. I thought that anon was writing this in love... there didnt seem any intent to tarnish Marns reputation but to hold her accountable for her words. bless you all, including anon

Simon Mapleback said...

It's easy to say "This is said in love" & make out it's all ok after writing something like "Your credibility has been tarnished again Marney".

I'd like to hear a bit of explanation how you justify that. Sounds a bit downgrading to me. Maybe it's just me and the way I read it?

(Anon agreeing with anon, nice one - it's sorta like agreeing with yourself. Lol)

Marney Turner said...

Thank you anon and all who made comments on this blogg. I said in this blogg that I was sharing a 'GOD INSPIRED' Vision , note that please . My sadness is that there is more comment on the source of the Vision than the Vision itself. Actually The Holy Spirit is the author of any God given vision and those who are listening will "GET IT". So please in great love I would say to you each just be obedient to The Holy Spirit and His voice & if you still feel like having shots I am sure Jesus' grace is more than sufficient . By the way how is your Discipleship journey going dear friends? I thank God for any person who is willing to actually obey a Vision from the Lord Jesus. And as far as the comment on my reputation , actually I care more about what people think of Jesus and His love, passion & call to Holy living than what any one may think of me personally,I have learned that when being criticised to just love , forgive & look prayerfully at myself. I leave with you some Scriptures from Jesus' own mouth , the source :LUKE 6:26 '"Beware when all men speak well of you .For so did the fathers to the false prophets." & Luke 6:35-38 especially verse 37"JUDGE NOT , & YOU SHALL NOT BE JUDGED. CONDEMN NOT, & YOU SHALL NOT BE CONDEMNED. FORGIVE.....AND YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN."

Anonymous said...

If you have to defend yourself then you just dont get it

Sarah Eldridge said...
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Sarah Eldridge said...

Hey Marney,
Thanks for constantly challenging and inspiring us, and introducing, or reminding us of various different sources to do so. Those of us who have the chance to be mentored and guided by you are so blessed.

Anon - she did mention the 24-7 vision at Candidates weekend, and stressed that this is a God-breathed message, I'm sure it just slipped her mind to do so here.

Simon - it frustrates me too - all this constant trying to tear Marney down, but to be honest, when we defend her, it gives people what they want. God will defend her, He knows her heart, He speaks through her. However in my humanness I want to defend my friend, but my opinion is that if people haven't got the guts to put their name to their convictions, you take their opinions with a grain of salt. Which I always do - if they can't tell me who they are, I'm not interested in what they have to say.

Marney - keep up the great work. And thanks for reminding us of The Vision once more. Oh that we would be half as great as the warriors mentioned here... it is my desire, my deepest wish, and the thing I ask God to constantly challenge me of.

Love you lots!!

Sare xoxoxo