Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Who will go for a dying world's sake??


Go to the prisons, the hospital, the institutions, go into the slums and the dens of hell on earth, where the devil is transforming men & women into fiends and training little children to grow up to be damned.
Go and look and think until you feel, until your spirit rises up and cries out to God ,"save the people, save the children".
Mingle your tears with the tears of those who weep, groan & struggle with those who are in darkness:wring your hands for those who sink into the pits of emptiness.
What about the children ?
Who will go in JESUS' name, who will go??? Come and help us to win them all for Christ!
Come and help us to save the children! Do not let them die without God, while you are waiting for them to grow up.
Begin with them where God begins, at the very earliest dawn of intelligence, and point them not merely to an historical Christ...... but to a living, saving, present, relevant JESUS , who will save them from their sins, who will save us all from our sins.

MARK 6:34"Jesus when He came out, saw many people and was moved with compassion toward them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd, and He began to teach them many things."

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